Ascensus and Devenir Partner to Offer Health Savings Account (HSA) Investments

Ascensus, the nation’s largest independent retirement plan and college savings services provider, announced today that it has partnered with Devenir, a national leader in customized investment solutions for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), to offer the Devenir myHSAinvestments solution and private-labeled HSA investment platform to banks and credit unions.

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NYT: Health Savings Accounts: Unloved, but Worthwhile

Devenir’s 2015 Year-End HSA Research Report was recently cited in a New York Times article discussing many of the merits of HSAs, in particular the ability to invest.

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WSJ: Are HSAs the New 401(k)? Money Managers Hope So

Devenir Research and Devenir’s President Eric Remjeske were recently cited in a Wall Street Journal article discussing growing interest among money managers in the HSA market.

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Health Savings Accounts Surpass $33 Billion

Devenir survey and resulting research report shows HSAs have grown to an estimated $30 billion in assets and 16.7 million accounts at year-end 2015 and have grown to over $33 billion in assets during the month of January.

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Forbes: The Orphan Health Savings Account Dilemma

Devenir’s 2015 Midyear HSA Research Report was recently cited in a Forbes article about the benefits of holding onto a health savings account even after you can no longer contribute. Our HSA Search website was also mentioned as a useful tool for consumers looking to compare HSA providers.

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