HSAs surpassed $10 Billion at year-end 2010 according to our latest HSA survey and the resulting research report.
Devenir’s Eric Remjeske was recognized as a CDHC Solutions Superstar for his tremendous leadership in the consumer driven healthcare industry.
HSA Bank announced today the addition of six new investment options to the Mutual Fund Selection investment account. Through a strategic partnership with Devenir, the national leader in investment options for health benefit plans, HSA Bank accountholders now have the option of investing in even more asset classes and load-waived mutual funds.
HSA deposits are expected to top $14 billion in assets this year, up from $1 billion in 2006
Individuals contributed $754 million nationally to HSAs in 2005 and withdrew $360 million, according to the GAO. Because HSAs have only been available in their current form since 2004, balances are still relatively small.
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