More informed account holders are better positioned to make the decisions necessary to achieve their financial goals. Devenir is committed to providing industry leading HSA tools and education to guide account holders through their healthcare saving journey. As part of that mission, our team is excited to announce the release of our new HSA Balance Projection Calculator!
Key Features:
- Projects the HSA deposit account, investment account, and combined balances over a specified number of years, presented as both a visualization and exportable table.
- Utilizes advanced HSA balance modeling factoring in the account holder’s HSA deposit account balance, HSA investment balance, expected yearly contribution, destination of contributions (deposits or investments), expected yearly withdrawals, and expected deposit and investment rates of return.
- Demonstrates the power of HSAs by projecting the potential federal tax savings over time.
The HSA Balance Projection tool is available to account holders through our HSA investment solution. Visit our solutions page to learn more about the ways Devenir can help your organization deliver a great HSA investment program to your account holders.