HSA Deposit Rate Update – June 2024

  • July 16, 2024

As we enter the second half of 2024, Health Savings Account (HSA) interest rates continue their upward trajectory, with increases across all balance tiers. As of June 30th, the average rate for $1,000 balances reached 0.44%, up from 0.42% in December 2023. More substantial gains are seen in higher balances, with $10,000 accounts now averaging 0.55% (up from 0.52%) and $50,000 balances hitting 0.62% (up from 0.57%).

Line graph showing average HSA deposit rates by account size from 2019 to 2024. Rates for all balance tiers ($500 to $50,000) decline from 2019 to 2022, then sharply increase through 2024, with higher balances earning higher rates.

These increases, despite a steady federal funds rate, reflect ongoing competition among HSA providers. The persistent upward trend and widening spread between low and high balance tiers (now 18 basis points from $1,000 to $50,000) underscore the industry’s focus on account growth and high-value customer retention.

For context, the asset-weighted seven-day yield of government money market funds stood at 5.38% as of May 2024, highlighting the broader high-yield environment that HSA providers are operating within.

We will continue to monitor HSA deposit rates throughout the industry and look forward to sharing these insights in future updates.

Note: Data above represents Devenir’s assessment of readily available public data. For specific interest rates that apply to your HSA, please contact your HSA provider.
