Kaiser Family Foundation recently released their 2019 check up on employer health benefits. The report shows promising growth in HSA adoption among employees, with 23% of covered workers now enrolled in an HSA-Eligible health plan, up from 19% a year ago.
Among employers offering health benefits, the percentage of firms of all sizes offering HSA-Eligible health plans was roughly flat year-over-year at 28%, according to the survey.
Among the other notable findings, the survey found that the average annual premium for workers enrolled in an HDHP paired with an HSA ($6,211 for single coverage) was significantly less than the average annual premium for those workers enrolled in an HDHP paired with an HRA ($7,103 for single coverage). In addition, workers enrolled in an HDHP paired with an HSA were responsible for only $990 (16%) of the annual premium on average compared to $1,345 (19%) for workers enrolled in an HDHP with an HRA.