According to the 6th semi-annual Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) survey and resulting research report conducted by Devenir, HSAs have grown to an estimated $18.1 billion in assets representing over 9.1 million accounts at midyear 2013.
According to the 5th semi-annual Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) survey and resulting research report conducted by Devenir, HSAs have grown to an estimated $15.5 billion in assets representing over 8.2 million accounts at year-end 2012.
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are estimated to have grown to more than $14.1 billion in assets representing 7.1 million accounts through June 30th, 2012 according to a survey and resulting research report conducted by Devenir.
Minneapolis, MN – January 31st – Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) surpassed $12.4 billion in assets in almost 6.8 million accounts by year-end 2011 according to a survey and resulting research report conducted by Devenir, an investment firm that specializes in providing investment options for HSAs. The survey data was collected in January, 2012 and primarily […]
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) rose to more than $11.7 Billion in June according to a survey and resulting research report conducted by Devenir, an investment firm that specializes in providing investment options for HSAs.
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