The majority of this report was derived from the 2021 Devenir & HSA Council Demographic Survey. The survey data was primarily collected in April of 2022 and largely consisted of top 20 providers in the health savings account market, with all data being collected for the period ending on December 31st, 2021.

Key Findings

  • Over 67 million covered by an HSA. Devenir estimates that the 32.5 million health savings accounts as of December 31st, 2021 helped cover 67 million people.
  • Millennials embrace HSAs. Younger consumers have embraced health savings accounts, with about 1 in 5 Americans in their 30s having an HSA.
  • Older Americans continue to accumulate meaningful HSA savings. Accountholders older than 50 years old held almost $53 billion in their accounts at the end of 2021 (up 19% from the year prior), with an average balance of $4,758.
  • HSAs utilized across income spectrum. 78% of health savings accountholders have a household income of less than $100,000.